My 50 State Adventures

Arkansas Camping Roadtrip
Lake of the Ozarks and the Ozark Mountains in one road trip
We thought we were going to pull our camper south to Arkansas and knock off a few new states on our way back home. However, after our trip to Niagara Falls pulling the camper, we realized that we didn't want to commit to such long drives without having the flexibility to get our and explore, which is much harder with a 30ft camper behind you. So, we changed our plans to include hotels instead of camping. Other than that, our plans are pretty much the same. Most of this trip will be spent at Lake of the Ozarks and in Arkansas, with a one-night stop in Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska as we make the trip back north.

Day 1: Drive to Lake of the Ozarks
Day 2: Explore Lake of the Ozarks
Day 3: Explore Lake of the Ozarks
Day 4: Drive to Rogers, AK
Day 5: Explore NW Arkansas
Devil's Den
Eureka Springs
Crystal Bridge Museum of American Art
Pea Ridge
Day 6: Drive to Little Rock
Hot Springs National Park
Old Mill
Little Rock Central High School
Day 7: Drive to Oklahoma
Fort Smith
Day 8: Drive to Kansas
Day 9: Drive to South Sioux City
Day 10: Drive home